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  Orton is proud to announce that Mr. Metin Gerceker after 23 years experience on the valve industry in a German company has decided to join the Orton Company located in Piacenza-Italy for new challenge assuming the position of VP Business Development.   01/07/2009  
  Alberto Aliani on the left with Metin Gerceker and between them a Triple Eccentric Metal seated butterfly valve NPS 36 CL 600, as emergency shut down valve for the LNG Liquefaction plant in Qatar.

Orton is subsidiary of IMI Flow Division and is an international leader in the manufacturing of triple eccentric metal seated valves, soft seated butterfly valves and high performance butterfly valves with special sealing systems for any industry. The metal seated triple eccentric butterfly valves can be used for Isolation and for control application as well. The temperature range covers from -254°C (-425 °F) to +1000 °C (+1832°F), the pressure range from vacuum to CL 2500 and the size range from NPS 3 to NPS 120. Metin will be responsible at Orton, for the creating new markets, new application for critical and severe service, engineerized type butterfly valves, custom made execution on a world wide basis, with a direct focus on a direct relationship with all Orton and potential Customers in the world.



© Orton

Orton s.r.l. with sole shareholder - Registered office: Via Larga 6, 20122 - Milano - Italy
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Office and factory: Via Dei Bazachi 50, 29121 Piacenza, Italy & Via Grilli 2/A, 29010 San Nicolò di Rottofreno, Piacenza, Italy
Tel. +39 0523 762511 - Fax. +39 0523 762 512
V.A.T.: IT12595920153 - Italian Fiscal code: 10704920155
Registered at Milano Monza-Brianza Lodi Companies Register with no. 10704920155
Corporate capital fully paid EUR 20,100,000.00
Subject to the management and coordination of IMI Plc.